"The pleasures of Heaven are with me & the pains of Hell are with me. The first i graft & increase upon myself, the latter i translate into a new tongue." ~ Walt Whitman

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Money, money, money.

What a fucked up world this is.

Us existing, us coping in our selective realities, desperate for our versions to be acknowledged, appreciated and respected. It's no suprise that everyone flocks to Facebook or Instagram to post pictures of stolen moments of happiness, moments that last no longer than the time it takes to upload said pictures onto our timelines. Acknowledgement is a powerful thing. 

Those born into privilege are handed respect and recognition on a silver platter, studded with diamonds to boot. No toil or trials required. And the rest of us... what we slave for, what we sacrifice for, what we work ourselves to the bone for, they acquire with ease simply because of the power their surnames command.

Then there are the rest of us. Some of who feed their empty souls with blind faith in an omnipotent entity that would grant them eternal paradise in return for earthly devotion and worship  
And then there are us. We exist simply because we fear death and the unknown. We linger in this collective reality, merely 'ghosts in meat skeletons' forever driven by ambition and the ultimate weakness of mankind; Desire. 

The desire to posses wealth. The desire to possess luxury. The desire to possess power and all the earthly presumptions that entails. 

"Money makes the world go around." I learned the undeniable & infallible truth of this saying from a very young age. Money really does control the existence of humanity. It controls the very rotation of our shitty little planet. 

Hard work and integrity is for fools such as I. We delude ourselves into believing that our resilience and perseverance defines who we are when at the end of the day, these obtuse notions count for nothing. 

The world is run by the privileged and has been since the dawn of civilization. We are but the designated masses catering to their every whim and whine. 

Us in our glass houses, a stone's throw away from one another, forever in servitude to the fucktards lounging high up in their ivory towers of ignorance and condescension.  


Afu Latheef said...

I couldn't agree with this more. And beautiful writing too. Very glad I came across this blog. Look forward to more posts

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much. You blog as well? Prepare for some gushing on your comments section :)))