Wednesday, October 12, 2016

"Feeding on that which doth preserve the ill..."

When unhealthy bacteria invades your body, your immune system retaliates by making you ill and this in turn flushes out the infection that is threatening you. Its the same with people. When you love someone and lose them, your whole world ceases to make sense and you become this weak pathetic mound of flesh, bone and blood that lingers haggardly in the shadow of your former self, the happy deluded self that had floated on a cloud of denial for so long.

So you subconsciously find a distraction, an obsession, another denial that would lessen the all-consuming pain. But it's toxic and weakens you further, wreaking havoc inside your mind and coarsing through your veins and it's all that you can think about because anything is better than the pain of having lost what you loved with the might of your soul. So you stay toxic and you ride it out, one day at a time.

And someday you'll wake up to find that neither of those things hurt as much as they used to. And you'll realize that you can laugh without being burdened by the need to please those who are concerned about you. And that you can listen to a song without memories stretching those gashes further apart. And you'll know that you will be happy again. Someday.

So till then, you wake up. You despair. And you sleep again. And hope that tomorrow will be less cruel.