Thursday, October 2, 2014


Sometimes, we do the shit we do solely for the pleasures they entail, however brief they may be, despite the fact that our guts writhe in indignance and vehement protest. Being a mere mortal, i, too, indulge in that self destructive behaviour more often than I care to admit. 

And just like every single person who dives headfirst into dark churning waters, all the while knowing the demons that lurk within and the ones that might manifest, I make up excuses and ignore my gut feeling and that annoying little voice in my head that rears it's head and snorts in disdain at my complete and utter stupidity.

And I only have myself to blame when shit blows up in my face and consumes me in it's inferno. When the dust settles, i am left on the floor, writhing in agony, cold and desolate.

Gut feelings are not meant to be ignored. Nor to be pushed aside to fester within your mental space until one day the incessant gnawing tears at your resolve and consumes you whole.

Listen to it. I implore you. It is almost always right, smug bastard that it is.