It is inevitable.
No matter how hard you try to steer clear of the pit, you stumble down or get shoved back into it, time and time again. One minute you would be walking around, like the unsuspecting ignorant fuck that you are... and the next, you are falling down the side of it, the light above you slowly diminishing, until it becomes a ghostly orb etched in the core of your retina.
You sink deep down into the seemingly infinite depths of your pit, groping around in the abysmal gloom. And there, at the very base of your self imposed confinement, you find Her. Your inner Demon.
She stands leaning against the wall, arms crossed, eyes alive with malice, fangs gleaming in hunger. Ready to hiss out the phrase She covets ... and the words you loathe to hear, 'I told you so.'
You scream and you wail, you rant and you rage, scratching your bloody fingertips at the slimy rotting walls of your prison. All the while She circles you, twisting and tangling Herself around you. Sinking Her talons into you, fangs biting and tearing deep into you, like a vulture at it's carrion,... until you cease to react altogether. Until you curl up in a ball and lie there at Her feet, writhing in agony. Until time, as you know it, ceases to exist.
After a while, She grows weary of picking at the carcass that is your soul ... and now that She is sated, you feel Her mutate into something less terrifying, something less vicious. She holds you up, slaps you, soothes you the only way She knows how. She grasps your jaw and points it upward. 'Crawl up' She hisses. 'Crawl out. You can't stay down here. There isn't enough room here for the both of us... and we both know what will happen if I'm the one to leave.'
Not a statement, but a threat.
She drags you by the hair and throws you against the grime of the wall. 'Crawl up!' She screams. 'Crawl up! Crawl up! Crawl up!' Her waves of fury beat against your already battered body. Over and over, until you scramble up the jagged walls of your pit in desperation, slipping, falling and clinging on for dear life.
Because if you fall, She waits down there, Her talons scraping loudly against the walls, once more biding Her time. Until your next descent. Until She can feed again.
So you crawl back up, gaping wounds, bloody limbs and all. Because anything is better than being a quivering mass of flayed flesh down there, completely at Her mercy.